Just a few days before Christmas Day, we were surprised to find a booking from Mr. Santa Claus himself (and his 8 kangaroo ’reindeers’ who we finally decided to host in the garden and had a terrible time keeping out of the waterlily pond)
Funny enough, Santa decided to visit on the 24th of December. That’s the day when all of Europe and many of our guests celebrate the holidays.
So it was not much of a surprise when he suddenly turned up to our Christmas barbeque in the garden. We had just finished a game of Finska (or Mölkky, as they say in Finland) when we were interrupted by a deep ”HO-HO-HO” from the gate.

What we could never have guessed, however, was that he brought little backpacker-friendly presents for all of us, with everyones name written on them!

Luckily, Santa is a smart guy and didn’t bring any presents that take up unnecessary space in the backpacks. Instead, we got stuff like sultanas, baked beans, salted nuts and candy.
And as if he had read our minds – he brought beer!!

The evening continued long into the night with good food, Santa beer and new friends.
Thank you for the visit, Santa – and see you next year!